As some of you may know (most likely, most of you), The One Ring has started a new WiP Community thread, wherein, at the beginning of each month, you post a picture of 80pts of models (or one infantry/2 cavalry companies from WotR) and aim to show finished models at the end, with a few updates. Well, I posted my pictures, updated the next day and have just finished them off!

My list was:
* a Vault Warden Team @25pts
* 5 Khazad Guard @ 55pts
for a total of 80pts exactly!
I chose those guys because I could've done a company of Khazad Guard, but I wanted to use my Shadow Grey on something with shields and what has bigger shields than the Vault Wardens (the Black Guard nearly do, lol)?

I tested it ou and I think that it looks great and helps to sell the idea of being linked to the shieldwarriors in the same way that Khazad Guard are linked to great-weapon warriors (I.E. the colour is the same, but a different shade, as well as similar armour/armament).
In terms of colour-scheme, I believe that I've already posted the Khazad Guard, but I may as well reiterate: sprayed black and the cloth areas painted Mechrite Red [note: this colour is a

recent addition], then (in whichever order suits best) Dwarf Flesh for the skin, Burnished Gold on the scale armour/helm, Boltgun Metal on the axes and chain/ringmail, Blood Red on the cloth, Graveyard Earth for the bases and trousers (seen poking over the boots), Scorched Brown for belt and boots and a variety of colours for beards (in this case: Fortress Grey, Chaos Black, Kammando Khaki and Vermin Brown).
Next up, are the Vault Warden Team. these guys are done in pretty much the same way as the shieldwarriors, except they get Shadow Grey instead of Ultramarines Blue. Still, to walk you through it: undercoat black, then (in a suitable order), Boltgun Metal on armour (not helm),

weapons and shield trim, Shadow Grey on the cloth/shield, Dwarf Flesh for the skin (inside the masks), Chestnut Ink (must be done after the Boltgun Metal ;) ) on the scale armour [note: ONLY scale armour), Burnished Gold for the helm, Desert Yellow on the rope, Scorched Brown for pouches, boots, belts and shieldstraps and, lastly, Graveyard Earth ont the gloves, trousers and bases.
Anyway, hope this is a nice break from repeated basic warriors, I'll try to keep it mixed up a little, but next month's entry might be the Easterlings ;)
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