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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Nearing completion...

Well, it's been far too long again, but I have completed a further 14 models and tonight began work on a further 6. I actually finished the axe warriors about a week (or more) ago, but haven't got around to taking pictures until today. As can be seen, there are a dozen plastics, one metal warrior (who has no Chestnut Ink due to no scalemail) and a D&D warrior (with a greenstuff beard extension) which is going to be used as a theme-friendly Shieldbearer (yes, he has no shield, but I see it as a title and his may be ceremonial, thusly not used on a battlefield).

Then, my next 6 (the last Dwarf models for now) are another 6 Archers as Rangers. Not much work done so far. My next process would then be to get a dozen cloaks sculpted onto them (the first I did was easy and the other three were a real pain...), then painted in Fortress Grey. One of the models that I'm painting at the moment is a metal archer, without a helmet, which I thought could be used as Drar, since he's not entirely dissimilar looking.

I do, however, have another three models that I haven't yet counted as being a part of the army. They are beautifully sculpted and come from Red Box Games (found here: I have a female warrior-type, a male warrior-type and a female staff-user (who is likely to be used as a Floi stand-in). The customer service is outstandingly brilliant and rectify problems that are beyond their control (customs doing a random search of the package) swiftly and beyond reproach.

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