Well, I felt that my Dwarf blog and army had been somewhat neglected of late, so I decided to get cracking on it. I had 19 Dwarfs out to paint today and managed to do 16 of them (the other three will wait for a batch of like-armed Dwarfs).
The 19 that I had were my original 8 painted archers, 8 painted great-weapon warriors and three undercoated, newly-bought shield warriors. I updated the paint scheme of both of the full companies,

but got nowhere with the shieldwarriors. I was unsure as to the paintscheme for the cloaks of the archers-turned-rangers, but went with Fortress Grey. Unfortunately, this meant having to change the grey beard, so I decided to rid myself of the black beards as well due to the fact that their sword-handles were black as well and I obviously had to change the Scorched Brown beards because the leather armour is Scorched Brown with 'Ardcoat (or gloss) varnish on it.
Regardless, I think that the results are quite cool and pretty much what I was hoping for. I chose greens and browns

for mountain forests and the grey cloaks for the mountian-sides. The new beard colours include Calthan Brown, Skull White and Terracotta. My only problem now is that I have to sculpt cloaks on the other four, as well as all further rangers! Very time-consuming.
If anyone wants to trade rangers with bows for archers, then I'm happy to trade with you :D Are there any thoughts on the new colour scheme or simple ways of improving it? Anything that is very much

a no-no for you? A little tip for anyone else: just start from scratch when changing colour scheme, otherwise little bits show through (as you may be able to see with the two-handers) and you keep missing parts, etc. very annoying, even if you do make something more akin to what you wanted.
So, I managed to change the archers' scheme almost entirely and repaint the Ultramarines Blue with Scab Red. Overall,

quite productive and looking good to me. Very much pleased with how it'll make the overall army look, even if I have reversed upon my own work, lol.
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